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Why you’ll love AbleSpace

AbleSpace ensures you spend less time on paperwork and more time with students. Our suite of features helps you automate routine tasks.

Collect & Track IEP Goal Data with a Single Click
IEP Goal Tracking
No more carrying binders full of data sheets, AbleSpace allows you to collect data on your goals with a single click.
Perfect for goals that require accurate percentage calculations based on tracked correct and incorrect observations
Multiple Data Types
Choose from over 10 data types, so you can track data for all kinds of goals,
Perfect for goals that require you to track correct and incorrect observations that lead to a percentage accuracy number.
Built-in Graphs to help visualize progress of different goals
Choose from over 20 automatically built graphs, to visualise progress on your goals.
Beautiful goal reports for your next IEP meeting
Beautiful pre built reports
Data is automatically analysed and beautiful reports auto generated to carry to your next IEP meeting.
Monitoring assessments is now effortless
Assessments & Progress Monitoring Tools
Built in screening and progress monitoring assessments allows you to measure progress accurately on a student's skills.
Automatic IEP Service Time tracking, both at Session and Goal level
Service Time
Service Time Tracking
Automatically track service time both at a session and goal levels. Service time tracking reports are automatically generated.
Bid farewell to weekend Medicaid billing hassles
Medicaid Billing
Spending weekends on Medicaid billing is a thing of the past. Medicaid billing notes are auto generated and with a simple copy and paste, you will save hours every week on billing.
Use built-in Calendar for Scheduling
Schedule sessions, plan for assessments or IEP meetings with our built in calendar.
 Safely share information across accounts
Team Work
Paraprofessionals and assistants can collect data for you. Safe and secure sharing among accounts.
Teaching and therapy materials to help plan sessions
Teaching and Therapy Materials
With an ever growing library of helpful teaching strategies and therapy materials, you can say goodbye to scouting the web for planning sessions.
A caseload management tool for SLPs and special ed teachers
On the Go
Mobile and iPad apps
Works on all devices be it your phone, tablet or iPad so you can take data on the go!
AbleSpace Android App for Tracking IEP Goals, Data Collection and Student Assessment ReportsAbleSpace iOS App to automate Special Education Workflows
Join our vibrant community of school-based special ed professionals, always ready to lend a helping hand when you need it most.
A powerful community of school-based special ed professionals, ready to help whenever you need it the most.
Bring AbleSpace to your entire school or district for advanced collaboration, administrative dashboards, and comprehensive training and support.
For Schools and Districts
Roll out AbleSpace across your entire school or district to take advantage of its advanced collaboration features, administrative dashboards, and comprehensive training and support options.
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